Our Leadership Assessment Service provides leaders with valuable insight and opportunities for growth. The assessment evaluates key leadership competencies and provides a personalized Development Plan that helps leaders increase their own awareness and performance.
The service is designed to help leaders identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, so they can perform at their best. It's an effective way for leaders to gain a deeper understanding of their own leadership style and abilities, and to take action to improve.
This program is for Emerging Leaders and Seasoned Leaders who:
Want to gain more clarity and understanding of how they can perform better in their role
Have challenges in their current roles and want to gain more awareness on their blind spots to improve upon
Take their leadership development plan seriously and continue to improve to get ahead.
A Leadership Inventory Assessment for Coaching & Development
One 60 minute session of facilitated feedback and coaching
One 60 minute coaching session focusing on your development plan and closing the gap in your leadership performance
A personal strategy on how to increase your leadership performance, get an ahead in your role, and recommendations on how you can improve
One 30 minute coaching session to follow up on your progress and continued development one month after your final coaching session
Program Price Options